Wednesday, November 2, 2011

11 for 2011

I have nothing in my pockets. i drank water, peace makes me happy, last thing i did to make someone happy was when me, leon, and leo had "health" picnic and i brought in some food, which we ate. i fear the death of others and i fear loneleniss . last movie i saw was bad teacher, i sang to by my self by linkin park, i bought some canabis ice tea, i can never live alone, i hope for nothing, and can live without everything except for my bed, house, food, water, toilet, my family, my tooth brush, and of course, over a million euros.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

wedding post

Wedding description.

My biological Father, Kenneth Arthur Hassard, Married my biological Mother, Maria del Carmen de los Angeles Domarco Exposito. They married October the 23rd, 1990. They knew each other for four years before they were married. They were married in the supreme court of Gibraltar, by Richard Garcia. Only two people attended this wedding, Carmen’s mother Encarna, and Ken’s friend Ignacio Moret. My parents wanted a civil wedding in Spain, which they could get, but it was very difficult and they would have to wait many months, so they got married in Gibraltar within two days.
Before the wedding, my parents were visiting pubs and bars in the area, then they dressed up, My dad wore a bomber jacket, a floral baseball cap, a denim shirt, and jeans. My mother wore a black mini dress. They  arrived at the supreme court along with the guests. During the wedding my mother was holding a bouquet of white orchids, there was no food served, there was no performers or people participating, there was no music, no dancing, just a small, civil wedding. My parents had chosen the supreme court because it was a fast, simple, 30 minute long, and civil wedding, they also chose this place because the judge had wedded many celebrities before.
After the wedding, the recently married couple went out around the town drinking alcohol. Then they were on their way to a hotel in Bolognia, a place where they had stayed before. On the way, they had to cross the border between Gibraltar and Spain. There was a huge police block, the officers were searching for E.T.A. terrorist activity, they were stopping every car. My dad had filled up an empty beer can with whiskey from before. When the car was stopped the police man asked, “where are you going?”. my dad answered with “we are going to Bolognia for our honey moon.”. They passed through the block, no questions asked about the can of beer filled with whiskey.
They arrived in Bologinia within half an hour. They stayed at a pension near a beach, unpolluted, near roman ruins, on a full moon. They were the only people there because it was an unknown beach that few people knew about, and the people that did know would go in the summer. It was my parents’ favorite place to go aside from Seville.
This was probably the most important day of their lives after my birth. As my dad said “if I were to change anything, I would have invited my parents”. My dad enjoyed the whole day because as he quotes “it was different to any other wedding I have attended”, it was different in the place and the clothes they were wearing.
I think this is probably one of the most bizarre weddings I have ever heard of, and it was still great. I hope to have a similar wedding, few people in a civil wedding that takes an hour or less. It would be great to invite  just parents and the best friends, of course, you don’t want anyone to get offended, so like my parents, I would keep it a secret until someone asks.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Where is it? take a guess in my "where in the world"!
post the place and country.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

My Name James

Hello My name is James Severn Hassard Domarco. The meaning of James is "supplanter" or the re-placer. The origin of the name is Hebrew, but it is most common in countries like England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, and basically any country in the British common wealth. the name James was most popular in the 50s, and is the ranked number 18 in american births. 

The story behind my name. My Mother chose the name and my dad agreed to it. My picked the name when she was listening to James Taylor's song "sweet baby James". My mother also thought it was a good name because she liked the actor James Dean. 

I feel proud of my name, and i like it very much. many favorite poets and artists had this name, and i hope to become one of them. If i were to have children in the future, i would like to have the names, Sean, Alicia, John, Sheila, and Zelda (not from the video game)

My Family traditions

Hi this is James Hassard and i will tell you one of my various family traditions. On my mother's side of the family, there is a tradition called, Los Reyes Magos. which is basically the three kings who brought gifts to Jesus at his birth, it is January 6. it follows christmas. in spain there is a huge celebration. A parade goes on, and the three kings throw candies and presents to the crowd from a large float. Every year famous men play the role of the three kings.  

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

this is my favorite place, barrio santa cruise seville, spain. this is not the exact place but i have been there. i know the place like the back of my hand. it is my favorite and nothing tops it. thanks for reading