Wednesday, October 12, 2011

My Name James

Hello My name is James Severn Hassard Domarco. The meaning of James is "supplanter" or the re-placer. The origin of the name is Hebrew, but it is most common in countries like England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, and basically any country in the British common wealth. the name James was most popular in the 50s, and is the ranked number 18 in american births. 

The story behind my name. My Mother chose the name and my dad agreed to it. My picked the name when she was listening to James Taylor's song "sweet baby James". My mother also thought it was a good name because she liked the actor James Dean. 

I feel proud of my name, and i like it very much. many favorite poets and artists had this name, and i hope to become one of them. If i were to have children in the future, i would like to have the names, Sean, Alicia, John, Sheila, and Zelda (not from the video game)

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